Monday, December 19, 2011

Top Ten Resolutions List

I found this list of the top ten resolutions at -- it focuses on Pittsburgh for web reasons beyond my understanding, but I think it looks pretty standard.

Here, then, is the list:

1. Spend More Time with Family & Friends
2. Fit in Fitness
3. Tame the Bulge
4. Quit Smoking
5. Enjoy Life More
6. Quit Drinking
7. Get out of Debt
8. Learn Something New
9. Help Others
10. Get Organized

So Check out the site if you get a minute -- all pretty standard fare, like I say, but goes into a little more detail. But don't feel limited to these traditional resolutions. Maybe you want to:

1. Spend Less Time with Family & Friends: Yeah, they're cute but do you have to play pool on Thursday, Bowl on Tuesday, and mudwrestle on Sunday -- maybe your problem is that you spend too much time with your peeps. Awesome though they are, maybe you want to put some distance between you and them, such that you can finish that puzzle you've been building.

2. Give the Workers at the Gym Some Rest: a nap never hurt anybody, and your body, ultimately, just ain't that important. I don't care what advertisers say, there's more to health than this mass of flesh and cotton.

3. Eat Better Food: okay, I want to make this specifically about not-eating-healthier, but the fact is, when I say better foods, I mean better cuts of meat, the freshest vegetables, new recipes. I'm not terribly interested in your bulge . . . I just think there are better things in life than Ramen Noodles.

4. Quit Gossiping, Bad Mouthing, Flipping People off: yes, smoking can be bad for you, we all know this, but there are many social ills. Smoking might shorten one's life, but there are many things that we do that make life less . . . healthy.

5. Make Someone Else's Life More Enjoyable: this doesn't have to mean "make an anonymous $10,000 donation to someone whose blog your really like," but we could all spend an extra fifteen minutes a day doing something legitamately nice for someone else -- bet  it would increase the quality of life for everyone around us.

6. Yoga.

7. Okay, I've Got to Admit, I, Too, Would Like to Get out of Debt: until I get out of debt, I effectively pay an extra 20% for everything I buy, rent, or lend.

You know what, these last three look really compelling to me, though awfully vague.

I'm still looking for suggestions here. I know someone out there wants to resolve soon . . . it's anonymous, it's free, I'll do the bulk of the typing . . .

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