Wednesday, January 4, 2012

2nd and 3rd Days

While I didn't post yesterday, I did hear a nice bit on the radio during my drive home from school: a local station had an "expert" on resolutions come on air to explain how to keep one's resolutions. The dj built the expert's reputation through two sets of commercials and fifteen minutes of programming. When he finally did make it on to the broadcast, the dj asked, "What advice can you give our listeners to help them with their resolutions?"

The expert responded, "Get more sleep and have more stress."

Holy crap! I thought, there is such a thing as an "expert" in resolutions, and said experts only need to know two things: more sleep, less stress.

Still, sound advice for us all, the resolved and unresolved alike.

*     *     *

Update from Dort: yesterday, he spent 35 minutes on the treadmill walking briskly yesterday. I haven't heard from him today, yet. My advice for him is the same advice for everybody out there who is taking this sort of action this time of year: don't try to add 15% to your work out every day. It's great if you go over a bit here and there, but it can be, I think, a big mistake to go too far overboard in a single workout: a lot of times this leads to feeling too pooped on subsequent days. Other times, we might feel obligated to maintain that level of intensity on subsequent days. I know, I know, it's only 5 extra minutes, and, yes, I am enormously proud of Dort for getting into such a great early rhythm, and, no, come to think of it, nobody actually asked for my advice. I just saw that I had written "expert" above, and was trying to amount to something.

I will do my best to keep every body posted every day . . . Tuesdays and Thursdays are going to be trying.

Meanwhile, 2012 has gone off without a hitch for me so far, and I'm already 1% of the way through it (did you ever find when you're writing and you include a percentage sign, you start thinking of everything in percents? No? Just me? I figured a good half (50%) of you would agree).

Keep up the resolutions, all!

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